Thursday 4 December 2014

Status Bubbles?

I think that these status bubbles should have your first name in them because then other people know your name if your to greet you with or if you are meeting someone and and you don't know them then you will be able to fine them better. Also your mood should be displayed so that other people know what kind of mood your in. I think having your medical information displayed would also be a good idea because if your in an accident people will know how to help you.  I don't think that it would change your day-to-day life if you only had your name, mood and medical information. If it contained your relationship and last name and were you live and other stuff like that because people could find were you live and other information that you may not want everyone to see. 

I think that I would be a cool idea if everyone had one and could choose what they displayed. I would only displayed my first name and maybe my mood because sometime I wouldn't like to displayed that. I would also have my medical information in my status bubble because I think that it would be very important if something happened. 

Sunday 30 November 2014

Clever Names

Does Oscar The Cat Have A Sixth Sense? One Doctor Certainly Thinks So

WALT: take notes and make notes reading an article

-use keywords and phrases to take notes
-use symbols and pics to take notes
-turn keywords, phrases, symbols and pics into full sentences.

Original Text
When the administrators of the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center inProvidence, Rhode Island, adopted six 'therapy' cats from an animal shelter, they had no idea that among them was one that possessed an uncanny sixth sense to predict theimpending death of terminally ill patients.

Oscar the tabby cat's story begins in 2005, when the newly born kitten was placed on third floor of the nursing center, home to patients that are in the last stages of illnesses like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cancer. The kitten spent the first year lazing around and watching the bustling activity around him. Then, just before his first birthday, Oscar began visiting each of the 41-patients on the floor regularly, just like the doctors and nurses did.

Initially, the hospital staff did not pay much attention to the feline's behavior. However, after some of the people that Oscar was snuggled next to passed away, they began to notice a pattern - the cat only went close to those that were a few hours away from dying. Otherwise, he would curl up on a desk and spend the day sleeping.

To test if it was just a coincidence, the staff tried to place Oscar next to a patient they believed was close to dying. But the paranormal cat refused to stay put and decided to snuggle next to someone else. Turns out he was right because 'his' patient died that same evening, while the one whose death the nurses had thought was imminent, lived on for another two days.

Among the biggest believers in Oscar's paranormal powers is Dr. David Dosa, ageriatrician and Assistant Professor at Brown University. He is so convinced of Oscar's unusual 'gift' that he not only published a paper about him in the New England Journal of Medicine, but also wrote a book. Entitled "Making rounds with Oscar: The extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat’, the 2010 publication outlines the various pieces of evidence he has been able to gather about the cat's predicting powers. Also convinced is the hospital staff who has been using Oscar's foretelling abilities to inform family members so they can bid farewell to their loved ones before it's too late.

Of course, not everyone believes that Oscar has a sixth sense. Some feline experts think that his perfect timing may have to do with a certain smell that the cat has come to associate with death. Others speculate it may have to do with the lack of movement in people that are about to die.

Then there are the skeptics who maintain that Oscar's record is not as perfect as it has been made out to be. They think that the hospital staff and Dr. Dosa have simply 'cherry-picked' the occasions when Oscar has been accurate and ignored the ones when he has not. Fortunately, none of this negative chatter has affected nine-year-old Oscar who continues to provide comfort to sick people in their final hours!

My pic

Sunday 23 November 2014

Movie Challenge reflection

Movie Challenge reflection

1. What your group did well?
I think that we worked well together and that we all agreed on the ideas we had. 2. What would YOU do differently next time?
I would be more confident and speck loudly. 3. Based on the criteria, how would you improve your movie if we gave you time.
I think we should have stuck together more like some people were mucking around and while others were doing there work. The quality of the message could of been better or more thorough. I think that did alright with our Camera angles, dramatic intention. The sound quality cloud of been better.

  1. Teamwork
Able to work collaboratively as a team to produce a movie
  1. Quality of message -
Life Ed theme. Shows understanding or learning from Life Ed programme
  1. Able to use film making conventions
Camera angles, dramatic intention
  1. Sound quality
Ability to ensure all dialogue is heard

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Life Education - Methamphetamine (P) and the story of William and Coral

Methamphetamine (P) is potentially a very addictive drug. It belongs to a group of drugs known as ‘Stimulants’ and works by releasing high levels of the brain chemical dopamine, stimulating brain cells, enhancing mood and body movement. It is classified as a Class A drug.

The long-term and short-term impact of the individual

When taken, meth and crystal meth create a false sense of well-being and energy, and so a person will tend to push his body faster and further than it is meant to go. Thus, drug users can experience a severe “crash” or physical and mental breakdown after the effects of the drugs wear off.

Continued use of the drug decreases natural feelings of hunger, users can experience extreme weight loss. Negative effects can also include disturbed sleep patterns, hyperactivity, nausea, delusions of power, increased aggressiveness and irritability.

Long-term effects
  • Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain, high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes and death
  • Liver, kidney and lung damage
  • Destruction of tissues in nose if sniffed
  • Respiratory (breathing) problems if smoked
  • Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected
  • Malnutrition, weight loss
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion
  • Strong psychological dependence
  • Psychosis
  • Depression
  • Damage to the brain similar to Alzheimer’s disease, 3 stroke and epilepsy

Short-term effects

  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature
  • Dilation of pupils
  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Nausea
  • Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior
  • Hallucinations, hyperexcitability, irritability
  • Panic and psychosis
  • Convulsions, seizures and death from high doses

The story of William who killed his daughter Coral.

They arrived at the South Featherston School about 8.17am. It was pouring with rain. Storm got out and ran inside but Coral refused.

Williams later told police she got cheeky to him and he "lost the plot". The police summary of evidence records that he "flew into a rage such as he had never before experienced".
From the driver's seat he reached into the back, half climbing over the seat to punch Coral repeatedly, holding her with one hand while hitting with the other.
He broke her jaw in two places, just below the right ear and on her chin. Her jawbone was protruding on the left-hand side of her face.
Her blood was everywhere, including all over his hands and her face. The autopsy concluded that the bleeding from her mouth would have been "torrential".

When Williams' rage abated, Coral was collapsed on the car floor unconscious. None of the other parents arriving with their children apparently noticed what had occurred.
In a panic Williams drove off, heading south away from town.

Sunday 31 August 2014

America's Favorite Giant Panda Celebrates First Birthday

1. Every animal turns one so why was Bao Bao's first birthday so special?

First bithdays are always special, this one was even more so, given that only one other giant panda born at the National Zoo, Bao Bao's brother Tai Shan, has survived to celebrate this all-important milestone. Both, are offspring of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian - giant pandas on loan from China as part of the conservation effort to revive thedwindling population of these beautiful animals. The zoo's first panda couple, Ling-Ling and Hsing-Hsing that were a gift from the government of China, bore five cubs. Unfortunately, all of them perished within a few days.

2. How did the zookeepers celebrate it?

The zookeepers made bamboo sticks were not the only treats in store for this cutie-pie whose name means 'precious' or 'treasure'. The zoo's nutrition department had also made adelectable tiered cake that was crafted from frozen diluted apple juice and dyed various shades of pink, with beet juice. Frozen in between, were slices of Bao Bao's favorite fruits - apples and pears. Flower appliques carved from carrots and sweet potatoes adorned the top and a large number '1', carved from frozen apple juice, completed the perfect treat. Like any one-year-old, Bao Bao attacked his birthday cake with a vengeance and kept it in a tight embrace, until it was all gone.

In keeping with ancient Chinese tradition, the party commenced with the young panda being offered a choice of three honey-dipped bamboo shoots. Next to each, was a colorful hand-painted poster labeled 'Long Life,' 'Good Health' and 'Many Cubs'. Given that the panda's first choice is believed to predict its future, it was fortunate that Bao Bao immediately gravitated to the 'Long Life' bamboo.

3. What are some of the things Bao Bao has learnt during his first year? What are some of the things in store for her before she turns two?

While Bao Bao may still look tiny, the cub who spends her days wrestling with a blue cylinder-shaped buoy filled with sand and sleeping on her favorite hemlock tree, has come a long way from the wriggling pink baby who was the size of a stick of butter, when born. The smart panda who now weighs a healthy 44lbs, has even learnt to respond to her name and stand tall on the scale, during her monthly weigh-ins.

Bao Bao's keepers are now hoping to teach her to present her paw when she needs to get her blood drawn and lie down, during her monthly ultrasound. As the year progresses, she will gradually stop drinking her mother's milk and then just like pandas in the wild, move away from 'home', which in Bao Bao's case means shifting to a separate enclosure. Of course, this will only be a temporary home. That's because at the age of five, Bao Bao will follow her brother's footsteps and head to the special giant panda breeding program at the Wolong Nature Reserve in China's Sichuan Province.

Word Search

Sunday 24 August 2014

Dangerous Decibels

Today we had a lesson with a lady call Toni about Dangerous Decibels to tech us about what our limits should be and how to our ears safe. A safe decibel is 85 or lower. 90-120 decibels may result in hearing loss, that is suff like lawn mower and loud rock concert. 125 decibels plus pain can begin. 130 decibels can cause instant hearing loss stuff like firecrackers and heavy metal concerts.

We did a lot of testing with a tuning fork. We had to bang it down on the ground then put close to our ear we heard a ringing noise that was the energy that came from the vibration from when we hit it. We also put it on our hand and it almost felt like it stung our hands. Then we did it with a ping pong ball attached to string. This showed that the more you hit the tuning fork on the ground the more energy and the higher the ping pong ball went.

We also learnt that sticking Q tips in your ear can make your ear drum break. Your ear drum is so delicate its like tissue paper. And ear wax is how our ears naturally cleans our ear canals.

Mining Cavern Transforms Into World's Largest Underground Trampoline Park

1. How is Bounce Below different from other trampoline parks?
Its the world's biggest underground trampoline park that opened in the historic slate mining town of Blaenau Ffestiniog in North Wales. Nestled in a massive cavern that is located inside a 100ft deep and 60ft wide former slate mine, it provides visitors with a bouncing experience like none other.

2. What are some of the things visitors will experience at Bounce Below?
Visitors to Bounce Below begin their journey with a safety briefing, after which they all don overalls and safety helmets and embark on an old mine train for the short ride into the mountain. Upon arrival, the guests encounter a sight that makes even the most seasoned trampoline park visitor, gasp in awe - a series of trampolines spanning a whopping 10,000 square feet, all connected by slides, the biggest of which is a mind-blowing 60-foot plunge, as well as, chutes and ladders. The whole experience is made even more surreal, by the vibrant colours that illuminate the cavern.
3. What are the two zip lines called? What is special about each one?

1.) Zip World. These include traveling deep underground using Britain's steepest cable railway, to check out the old mines and observe quarryman demonstrating slate mining.

2.) There are also above the ground activities, there is the choice of two ziplines - Velocity or Titan that lie within 45 minutes of each other. As you may have guessed, neither is ordinary.

Word Search                                                                 


Tuesday 19 August 2014

Homework - Maori Myth

For Homework we had to made a Maori myth and mine is on the Legend of Mauao.


For homework we can design our own challenge.
I decided to do it on how our Hockey team is improving towards AIMS Games

How we are improving?
We practices two times a week one on Monday morning at 7 am and the other on Wednesday after school. We also have a game each friday night. 

For the Winer Tournament the games were only 8 minute half's with a one minute break. So they were short games. 

Hear are some photos at the Winter Tournament....

Master Chef

Master Chef


Challenge 1
Was make a pasta dish. We made Pasta pesto with rosemary chicken

Challenge 2
Baker Delight. A chocolate brownie with hot Ganache 

Challenge 3
Perfect Pie. Pecan Pie with whipped cream on the side

Challenge 4
Pizza. We made a pizza with.. well everything on it. 
We also got to create the cover for our pizza box

Challenge 5
Mystery Box. We made jacket Potatoes with mince,onion, carrot,baked beans and Cheese

Challenge 6
 Cream Sponge

Challenge 7 - Cafe Chaos

For this challenge we had to make a breakfast a snack that you might get at a cafe or what we would serve at our cafes.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Japanese Scientist Builds Robots That Look Eerily Human

What are androids?

Android (robot), designed to resemble a human. Androids have largely remained within the domain of science fiction, frequently seen in film and television. However, advancements in robot technology have allowed the design of functional and realistic humanoid robots.

Name the three robots Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has created for the 'Android: What is Human' exhibition? What are their respective roles?

The main professor was Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro who has spent over 20 years trying to build human-like machines. Over the years, the Osaka UniversityRoboticist has released numerous prototypes. However, it is his latest exhibition'Android: What is Human', which opened at Tokyo's National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan), on Tuesday June 24th, that is creating a stir, both nationally and internationally.

Why are androids more difficult to build then normal robots?

Android researchers begin by making a complete plaster cast of a human model, right down to the teeth. They then spend hundreds of hours molding and painting the features so that the robot closely resembles the human it is being modeled after. That, is the easy part! Then starts the arduous process of installing the complex machinery and countless hours of programing so that the androids not only replicate human gestures and facial expressions, but also, think like them. It is no wonder that most scientists gravitate towards building 'easier' industrial robots.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Video Of The Week - British Competition Honors Naughty Pets

Why did Direct Blinds ask people to post pet pictures on their Facebook page?

Three hundred of Britain's badly behaved pets recently got their day in the sun, thanks to a nationwide competition to honour the naughtiest of them all! The contest, organized by Direct Blinds an online supplier of custom window coverings, asked owners to upload photos of their pets caught performing their naughtiest deeds, on the company's Facebook page.

What title did Yodie win? What did he do to deserve it?

Though they were all shockingly mischievous, it was Yodie, a German Shepherd and Keeshond Cross, that captured the judges' attention. However, it is cushions that the pooch seems to hate the most. One of his biggest fights with them came during a two-week period when Yodie was unwell and ordered by the vet to stay at home. Vitty believes that he was so bored that he decided to attack every cushion he could put his paws on and distribute the shreds all over the house. The family needed the money to get more cushions.

What are the 2nd and 3rd place winners known to do frequently?

In second place was another dog called Harry, whose favourite hobby is to shred newspapers and magazines.
The funniest and most talented was Stoops, a black cat who came in third place - She apparently loves to open the fridge and hop in to lick the tops of the cold milk bottles.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!

Article Comprehension:
1.Who was responsible for making Nathan's hot dog contest famous? How many hot dogs did he eat?

When Japan's Takeru Kobayashi devoured 50 hot dogs in 12 minutes, that it gained international fame. Though Kobayashi, who won the event for six consecutive years until he was dethroned by California rookie Joey Chestnut in 2007, is long gone, the contest which is now streamed live on the ESPN channel, has become a July 4th tradition - one that is watched by millions of people every year.

2.How many years has Joey Chestnut won the contest prior to this year? What significant event occurred before the contest began?

Jaws" Chestnut, who has dominated this competition for the last seven years.The significant event is that his longtime girlfriend and competitive eater, Nesile Ricasa, had agreed to marry him on national television, just minutes before the competition.

3.What happened in the women's contest?

In the women's contest three-time defending women's champion Sonya 'Black Widow' Thomas did not fare anything. She was defeated by Miki Sudo from Las Vegas, who ate 34 frankfurters, far outpacing Sonya's 27!

Monday 21 July 2014

Miss Mills Bali Trip

1. These little parcels are left outside everyday. You see them everywhere. What are they for?

These parcels are called Canang Sari they are made to thank the gods in praise and pray. You will see these offerings in the temples, and on the ground or as part of a large offering.

2. It was the first day back at school when we arrived. These kids meet their teachers at the beach. They were about your age. Find out about school in Bali.

The school I'm doing is the greenest school on the earth. This school in Bali, Indonesia is giving its students a natural, holistic and student-centered education in one of the most amazing environments on the planet.

3. They have tanks of these fish everywhere. You pay $3 to soak your feet in them for 15 mins. The fish nibble at your feet. Find out what type of fish they are and what they are doing?

These fish are called Garra rufa and they eat the dead skin of your feet.

4. This was taken at a batik factory. What is batik?

Batik is a technique of manual wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth, or cloth made using this technique. Batik is made either by drawing dots and lines of the resist with a spouted tool called a canting, or by printing the resist with a copper stamp called a cap.

5. This is the Saraswati Temple in Ubud. Who is it dedicated to?

Saraswati temple Kingdom of Ubud is dedicated to honor the Hindu Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of learning, literature and art.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Term 2 PMI Reflection


1.Master Chief
Keelin and I have made it into the semi final for master chief. We have made it through 7 rounds.

2.AIMS Hockey
A positive is that I have made it into the aims hockey team.

3.Stars Band
This term I got awarded my stars band.

4.Working at standard
I really happy that I am working at national standard for math, writing and reading.


I do not have any.


1. Swimming With Dolphins
I got to go swimming with  dolphins as a prize for winning the restyles competition.

2. Kia Kaha
It was very interesting when constable Den came to talk about building with us.

3. Friendship Assembly
I really enjoyed the friendship assembly with dav because he was really funny.

4. Demon Dentist
Demon dentist is a very interesting book that Mrs Mills has being reading to us this year.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Caveman poo suggests they may have eaten vegetables


- Use at least 3 of the 7 servants
- Questions must make sense
- Question MUST have a question mark.

1. Ancient specimens of poo from people who lived in part of southern Spain. How many years ago was this?

2. Where were the people from the lift ancient specimens of poo?
Southern Spain

3. What did they find in the poo along with the traces of veggies?
Traces of meat

4. What did they consumed a regular portion of?
Plants, such as tubers, berries, and nuts.

5. Who said "they used their teeth as tools, biting plants, among other things."
Anaira Sistiaga

6. What kind of teeth did they have?
Neanderthal teeth
7.They were close evolutionary cousins of our own species, so what are they?
 Homo sapiens

Sunday 29 June 2014

Two-Year-Old Peanut Crowned 'World's Ugliest Dog'

1.How many years has the 'World's Ugliest Dog' contest been around? How many contestants did it attract this year?

This contest has been around for 26th year, the contest is one of the biggest attractions at the annual Sonoma County Fair. There are around 29 dogs along with their owners that  participate in a rather unusual competition.

2.How did this year's winner Peanut get his 'ugly' looks?

The two-year-old shelter dog was badly burnt in a fire which caused him to lose his lips, most of his body hair and eyelids. As a result, his eyes constantly water. Add some sharp teeth to the mix and you get an evil looking dog. This dog is very lucky to be alive!

3.What is the organizer's main purpose for organizing this unusual competition?

Before the event to ensure they are healthy, and also has a 'pep' or should we say 'pet' talk to confirm they are happy and well-taken care of. The competition is also a great way to honor these dogs, many of whom owe their unusual looks to human abuse. But most importantly, it raises awareness for their adoption by showing the world that physical detractions do not prevent dogs from becoming loving pets.

Critical Thinking Challenge:

Do you think this is an appropriate title for the competition? What would you change it to?

I think it might be a bit too straight forward because you wouldn't have a competition for the word ugliest human. Another name for the competition could be 'Most Unique Dog'.

Word Search 

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Australia's Favorite White Humpback Makes A Rare Appearance

What is so special about Migaloo?

Migaloo is special because he is the first documented all white humpback whale. He is all white because he has a skin condition call albinism also known as albino a person or animal having a congenital absence of pigment in the skin and hair (which are white) and the eyes (which are usually pink).

Cite a few facts from the article that tell you how precious Migaloo is to the people of Australia.

Migaloo was given the name of 'White Fella' in the indigenous Australian language. He became an instant local darling and He was as immediately elevated to the status of 'special interest whale'. This meads boats and jet-skis have to keep a distance of at least 500 meters, while airplanes have to be more than 2,000 meters away from the mammal. Anybody caught violating this rule is subject to a fine exceeding $12,500 AUD.  Migaloo's fans have also built several websites dedicated to his every move and even set up an active Facebook page and Twitter account in his honor. That fact that he has fans is another reason why he is so special.

Why is Migaloo known as a 'hypo-pigmented' humpback? Is he the only one?

Because he is lighter than other whale that is why they call him 'hypo-pigmented'. I don't think that he is the only one because I think that there will be more than humpback whale with albinism the skin condition. Plus in September 2011, Alan Fewings and his family reported seeing a white calf amongst a pod of migrating whales

Critical Thinking Challenge:
Do you think Migaloo's special color helps or hurts him from human predators? Why

I think that he has more protection than other humpback whales because of his colour like they are made boats and jet-skis have to keep a distance of at least 500 meters, while airplanes have to be more than 2,000 meters away from the mammal. Anybody caught violating this rule is subject to a fine exceeding $12,500 AUD. Over the years, Migaloo's fans have also built several websites dedicated to his every move and even set up an active Facebook page and Twitter account in his honor.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Who Knew Corn Flakes Could Look So Good?

 1.What cereal does Rosado use to create her portraits?

Rosado uses cornflakes to make her portraits.

 2.Why does it take so long to create each masterpiece?

Rosado starts by sketching the image of the artist.Then begins the painstaking process of crushing the cereal to the right size so that it can be carefully placed on the outline. Once that is done, the artist uses a pin to carefully shape the nose, eyes and mouth.

 3.Name some celebrities that have featured in her cereal art series. What kind of art did Rosando unveil in 2013?

Some of Rosado portraits are of 'the king of pop', Michael Jackson, Reggae legend Bob Marley, R&B singer Alicia Keys, as well as, former Beatle, John Lennon.

4.Why do you think that artist picked Corn Flakes and not any other cereal? Can you think of any other everyday food that could be used to create art?

She got inspired by to use corn flakes while she was eating her breakfast. You could also use rice, pencil, lollipop sticks and zips.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

114-Foot Tower In Budapest Is The World's Tallest Lego Structure!!!

1. Where was the most recent tallest Lego structure built? Who built it?

The most recent tallest Lego structure was built in front of the Saint Stephen's Basilica in Budapest. The tower that exceeded the previous record holder by about 2 feet was made using 450,000 Lego bricks - 50,000 less than used in the tower built by the US students.

2. What are the two requirements imposed by the Guinness World Records before a Lego tower can be eligible for inclusion?

The tower had to be build with no glue. The wires were removed, once the tower was ready. But that or the fact that it had been built using no adhesives (another requirement), did not seem to be an issue. Unfortunately, all the hard work has to be undone on May 26th, the day after the tower was officially named the World's tallest Lego structure.

3. Why does the author believe that a new Lego tower record will be attempted soon?

Because the record was broken three time in 2012 so a lot of people are interested in bracken the record.

4.What in your opinion makes building 'the world's tallest Lego structure' so popular?

I think it is so popular because it will be fun to make it and a lot of people would like to be in the guinness book of records.

Monday 16 June 2014

Vegetarian Crocodiles? You Better Believe It!

1. What is unusual about the reptiles that live at Nyanyanya crocodile farm?

The Nyanyanya crocodile are unusual because they are 100% vegetarian and eat pellets made of protein concentrate, minerals, vitamins, maize meal and water has been good for the crocodiles. They have got softer skin to a normal crocodiles that eat meat because of the stuff in the pallets. They also spend a lot of their day sleeping. This makes it safer for the workers to clean their enclosures.

2.How did they turn this way?

In 2006, when Zimbabwe was undergoing an economic crises, the company found it hard to find affordable meat to feed the 164,000 crocodiles that were being raised in the farm. They started feeding the reptiles with pellets that were a mix of meat and vegetables. They noticing that the change in diet did not seem to change the reptile's growth, they gradually eliminated the meat completely so now they feed the crocodiles pellets with no meat.

3.What are the crocodiles being bred for?

The crocodiles are being bred for their skin and then sold to and  transformed into leather and made into handbags, shoes and belts.

4.Critical Thinking Challenge:

How do you feel about the crocodiles being bred for their skin? Is it different from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat? Why?

How do you feel about the crocodiles being bred for their skin?
I don't like the idea of the crocodiles being bred for their skin because it's not right that they have to be killed and then made in to handbags, shoes and belts. If the crocodile was a still alive would you still wear it as a handbags or a belt or even a pair of shoes on your feet.

Is it different from breeding cows or chickens that are killed for meat?
No it is no different from cows or chickens that are killed for meat. Yes we still can survive without meat but we eat meat  is so we can get iron and stay healthy. But killing crocodiles for their skin is not right just so some people can have a handbag made out of crocodile leather!

Sunday 15 June 2014

13-Year-Old Indian Girl Becomes The Youngest Female To Conquer The Everest

1. What did Malavath do? Why does the author believe it is so admirable?

Malavath was the youngest female to climb Mount Everest. The author probable thinks that it is so admirable that someone at the age of 13 can be brave enough to complete Mount Everest.

2. What did she have to do to get selected for the Mount Everest climb? What happened when Malavath reached the advanced base camp?

She was one of the twenty selected to go to an advanced training session at the Darjeeling Himalayan Mountaineering Institute for two weeks. After that, only two younger people were chosen, and one was Malavath. Once Malavath had climbed to the advanced camp, she got alltidute sickness and was sent back down to base camp. After three days, she didn't want to give up so she continued climbing.

3. How long did it take the team to get to the summit? What does Malavath hope her achievement will do to help other people?

It took them fifty two days to make it to the summit. She hopes her achievements will encourage underprivileged children to get involved with their dreams.

Sunday 4 May 2014

TELI time Project

LI: Who are these two famous NZ men and why are they famous? Create a blog post with the answers to these questions. DO NOT copy and paste from the internet. Write the answers in your own words.                      

Willie Apiata 

Full name: Bill Henry Apriata

Date of birth: 28 June 1972

Age: 41

Allegiance: New Zealand

Service/branch: New Zealand Army

Years of service: 1989- 2012

Rank: Corporal

Service number: M181550

Battles/wars: East Timor, War in Afghanistan

Awards:Victoria Cross, Navy and Marine Crops

Why is he famous: He was the first New Zealand to receive the victoria Cross.

Jerry Mateparae 

Full name: Jeremiah Mateparae

Date of birth: 14 november 1954

Age: 59

Allegiance: New Zealand

Service/branch: New Zealand

Years of service: 1972 - 2011

Rank: lieutenant General

Battles/wars: Operation Bel lsi, Operation Warden

Awards: Knight Grand Companion of the New Zealand order of merit, Queen's Service order.

Why is he famous: He was Chief of the New Zealand defence force between 2006 -2011 and was the second māori person to hold the office and he is governor- General of new Zealand.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Homework Week 11

Khan Academy 

Science Fair Topic:
The Scientific Power Of Thought

Thursday 10 April 2014

Homework Week 9 and 10


Student Led Conference

How did it go? 
I think my conference when really well and that I explained everything to mum really good.
What was it like having them in class?  
I was super awesome having mum in my classroom because she could see everything I do.
What did they like about the process? 
Mum: I found my daughter's learning conference insightful, aiding understanding of where she is compared to the national standards. Also obtainable goal and means to achieve the.
What did you like? 
How we had to explain where we are with our learning.


Sumo Paint

Khan Academy

Prototec Math

