Thursday 13 March 2014

Tuesday 4 March 

Today was the first day of tech this year so that was awesome. What we did was drew a picture of something that was in front of us this is was drew.


This piece of art is called print making it is very easy to do but hard to draw a pattern.  I used three colours which is not in this photo the colours I used were Yellow, Brown and then Black. We stared with lighter colours first. 

Wednesday 5th March 2014

Today we got given a little piece of wood after we had to draw something that represented the great battle of Gate Pa because its the 150 anniversary. We had to do a draft in our art book then we art then we would cut a carve it with a special carving tool. Then we got the rollers then put the colour yellow on it we start with the lightest colour frist and then end with the darkest.

Thursday 6th March 2014

Today we conditioned with our  wood printmaking it was really cool the thing I enjoys the most carving out the positive spaces of my art and not some much the negative because it can be tricky. I also enjoyed adding new colours to my art work. I enjoy experament with all the different colour and different carving tools.

Friday 7th March 2014
Today was the last day of tech :(

We had to finesh off all of our work and  and suten report so we had alot to do. At the begain I did think I would get it done but I did. I think that we should get more time at art as it is so much fun and I love it.

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